These pictures are totally out of order, so you'll get a mix of Funniness and Cincinnati:
About two weeks ago we headed up to Cincinnati (about an hour and a half north to us), first off we headed to the children's museum.
McCall found a random glass tank with hundreds of yummy cockroaches. Gross! I made the mistake of showing this picture to Lydia while I'm writing and she has been saying Gross! for the last ten minutes, she just can't get over how gross they are. I can't blame her though.
Before church one morning. Lydia loves to jump in the front seat, for some reason she always thinks I'm going to let her drive.
Back to Cincinnati, we headed downtown to Fountain Square where they had a free band playing that was most possibly the worst band I've ever heard.
Back at the Children's Museum in Cincinnati, I thought this would be funny... you can determine that for yourselves.
In front of the Children's Museum, a great shot of downtown Cincinnati, it's really a beautiful city
Funny #2: McCall, "Hey, can you take a picture of me?" Me, "OK, why?" "Cuz I'm pretty sure I'm going into labor tonight and I want to have a picture of me at my fullest."
This was two weeks ago and still no baby...
Lydia at the zoo, styling.
McCall, "Alright I'm going to go wash my face before bed."
Me, "No, I like your face, don't wash it off." (Good dad joke, Mckay will appreciate this)
McCall after pondering thoughtfully, "What if we had to draw our faces on each morning? That'd be awesome. And what if we had to draw faces on our kids until they were old enough to do it themselves."
This led to a very intense discussion on face drawing and what people would look like if they were bad artists, etc.