McCall was a pregnant gothic for Halloween, she's very proud of her spiders on her face.

I on the other hand stole Lexi's idea, and dressed up as a cloud with a chance of rain. I think it was the theme for the Hansen family this year. Notice my sweet crooked mustache and McCall's look of utter disgustingness (McCall's words, not mine). I think she's beautiful

Getting ready for the Doughnut contest. I was very happy just to eat a doughnut. You can see the videos at the end of the blog.

Pumpkin Carving Time!!!
As you might recall from our last blog we pick some pumpkins from Huber Farms a couple weeks ago. When we got home we put them next to our couch as decoration. The day before Halloween we decided we better carve them up, but when we went to pick up McCall's pumpkin, this is what we saw....
I told McCall that it's alright, it just takes practice to pick a good pumpkin, and that one of these days she'd be a good pumpkin picker like me.
We carved some pumpkins with some friends in our ward, Ryan and Stephanie. His looks a lot better than mine.
The missionaries asked if it was a rabit, and I said.... um yeah....! So for those of you wondering, it's a rabbit who's ears got ripped off.
J.D.'s utter domination...
McCall's petite nibbling
We made up a clogging/breakdance duo for ULSD's got talent. It was a fundraiser that our school was putting on for the pedodontic department. McCall choreographed most of it, she was the skill and I was the comical relief.